
Let me help you share the news that matters most to you!

Every other week, I share a newsletter called Conscious Marketing Insights to help deliver digital experiences that matter.

โ€ฆ And I am always looking for new and exciting content to share with purpose-driven entrepreneurs and conscious marketers.

So, if you have a news item, article, event, or story that you think would interest them, consider supporting my goal to bring the best resources and opportunities.


  • Featured announcement (maximum length 300 characters) right at the beginning of the newsletter

  • Prominent placement in the weeklyโ€™s Conscious Marketing Insights LinkedIn newsletter (over 7,000 subscribers).


  • Invest โ‚ฌ75 to sponsor a featured announcement in one edition of the newsletter.

So, let's work together to explore a mutually beneficial partnership. What do you say? ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿค